Most people think that People with autism have a normal day to day life? nope? sometime people such as myself experience different experiences with autism and learning disability. in this article i'll be talking about some the experiences and emotions i go through everyday as a person on the autism spectrum.

Like everyday, we always have a morning, usually People have set times when they like to get up in the morning which is me, i have a set time of waking up and doing (all depends if I'm working or not) If i'm working i normally get my gear together and head on downstairs and have some breakfast, for food i'm going to be open and honest with my readers, I only have some toast, bananas and a lidl vanilla yoghurt, i know its something different but when i was younger i had an ear operation to take something out and it effected my tastebuds, now i can only have certain foods that i can eat and make me feel comfortable, i'm taking vitamin suplements to help me get where i'm today. then i'll take a shower and prepare for what today has to offer. 

when i written this article were in a middle of the covid19 pandemic, which is kinda hard for an autistic person to understand, like we all have to wear masks, but people with autism has to wear a special masks? not true, I know some people who went out who don't want to wear a mask as some people don't want to wear it as it feels uncomfortable which is understandable, i wear my mask everyday for my family where if it is at work, cinema or in my town centre, i wear it for my family.

This where i usually work on my projects, i work on many projects, whether its updating my photography portfolio, modelling or just sorting out the twitch channel, i have something to keep me going, i've started doing some twitch streaming mainly in the evening to connect with my friends and the community who knows about me and we play some games (shout out to them, you know who you are). i'm also passionate about getting the word on autism to everyone, i work on doing autism awareness presentations to show people who i'm i, what i have done, what i have been through cause it's really hard for people to understand what i go through, my current work wants me to do this so i'm doing a presentation to them about it. which i'll use to show my work mates what i go through everyday and also to spot the signs if someone like me enters our workplace. then i'll settle for lunch which is usually a buttered sandwich (strange, i know!)

if you live my me, the days go really fast and the evening is where i just want to kick back and relax and if i choose continue working on my projects and speaking to my friends over on social media. i also stream video games on twitch during this time after my dinner (which is a bowl of french fries, i'm not picky) but when i stream i escape from reality for a bit and just enjoy myself for 2 hours or so. one of my awesome friends on twitch named pam bamgoinham has also introduced me to a tool that helps me when im stressed out and need some time, its called headspace, headspace is a free app that helps you relax and do some meditation which helps me alot in stressful siturations. but when you think about it, autstic people have a mind of their own, one minute your happy then the next you could be depressed as f. but you know when you know people and they look after you, they can make you feel better and support you.

This is a little summery of what i go through on autism but i have other articles about mental health and autism which you can read on this site!
Adam x 

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