One thing on everyone’s mind is when is this lockdown is lifted or when can I see my partner. For some, lockdown can be good or bad, in this blog I’m gonna cover both sides of the lockdown. It can be good on other hands there are some other aspects and how effects my mental health. 


Let’s start off with the bad. Personally I know my mental health can be a turn for a worse, my mind has full of worries and things to think of which can be difficult to get out sometimes.... it’s different during lockdown, new routine, things to get use too even sometimes a big change of an autistic person is routine, I know a lot of people can’t change or get into a new routine with what’s going on. 

One thing I’m not getting used to is social distancing, I haven’t seen my partner for over a 1 month now, normally I see him every weekend but because of the governments social distancing law, I cannot see him, I cannot travel to him, the only way I can keep in contact is using messenger (which is a plus) But it can be depressing sometimes, I know most of the time when I get off the phone I’m nearly in tears cause I’m missing him so much, we want to travel but we can’t, there’s loads of things we want to do together as a couple but we can’t. It can be very very hard to be distant like this.  It’s a Lot on my plate and staying positive can be hard....... I’m trying to promote positive vibes! But it’s important as well to vent out any problems so others can hear you and perhaps chat & communicate with you.


Let’s talk about the good side of things, the key is to stay busy (why not check my top 5 on things to do on my other article I’ve written) which I have been doing, writing these articles and blogs are a great way to vent out my problems & I get loads of support and love from you guys. One of the key things I’ve been doing is listening to music, I’ve mentioned this in my top 5 things to keep the lockdown world out and it has helped a lot. 

But the most important thing that I know is key is communication. A lot of people (including myself) feel alone, feel isolated and above missing loved ones and friends. But I learned to take some time, listen to other people and help. It is dark times with what are going through but I know we’re pulling it through together.

I hope you enjoy reading my articles, please leave some feedback on my social media which is much appreciated.

Adam x

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